Winston-Salem Used Car Dealer Campaigns For Nicer, Newer Cars For All

Tracy Myers votes for you to drive a nicer, newer car TODAY!

An Open Letter From The Owner Of Frank Myers Auto Maxx To North Carolina Used Car Shoppers…

Dear Friends,

My name is Tracy Myers and I’m joining the race and campaigning for you to have a nicer, newer car! Will you join me?? Have you ever noticed that politicians are like cars? After a while…

…they eat up all your money.

…they become unreliable.

…and then they just stop working all together.

That’s what elections are for! Every two years we get a chance to have a fresh start and put new officials in office. Thank goodness!

Well, Election Day is just weeks away…and it got me thinking…

If there’s a politician we don’t like we can boot them out of office in just two years. But if you have an old car you don’t like, you could be stuck with it for a lot longer! It’s not fair. Gosh, the typical car loan is five years long.

I think you should get a chance to swap your ride out every two years and put a new car in your garage. Don’t you agree?

So this month I’m having a special Congressional Car Swap Event!
Here’s how it works:

You bring in any vehicle to Frank Myers Auto Maxx. It doesn’t matter if it’s running or not. Even if you still have payments left. Even if you owe more than it’s worth!

Toss me the keys to your old ride, and I’ll toss you the keys to a nicer, newer car that you’ll be proud of!

And if you have less faith in your credit than you do in your congressman, never fear! My “Everybody Rides” program  is the REAL DEAL…and I’m able to help even the most unlikely candidates get approved for a nicer, newer car.

If your car is already paid off, I can reward you with a $1,000 pay-off bonus to reward you for being responsible and making all your payments. You can use that money to lower your new payments on ANY Certified car in stock.

If your car’s not paid off, I’ll talk to your bank and try to negotiate a pay off deal so you can drive away free and clear in a much nicer car without any extra money out of your pocket!

Vote For Me and Swap Your Key!

Never mind all those empty promises made by politicians trying to get your vote. Take care of yourself and your family…put your priorities first for a change.

You deserve a nicer, newer car. A vehicle you can depend on. A vehicle with better gas mileage, so you can save money. A vehicle with a better safety rating, so you can have peace of mind. A vehicle with great looks, so you can impress your neighbors. Name a candidate that will give you all that…heck, name another car dealership.

Just come to Frank Myers Auto Maxx this month and swap your key and upgrade your car during the Congressional Car Swap Event.

How Is This Possible?

Because of rapidly changing costs of used cars at the auction combined with all of the shakeup that’s taken place in Detroit, things are not what they used to be in the car business.

It’s harder to survive than it used to be. But I need customers and I need you. Here at Frank Myers Auto Maxx we employ 43 good people. They all work hard everyday to provide best of class service and an experience you’ll rave about. But in order to keep all these people employed, we need great customers too!

So I’m willing to bend over backwards and make miracles happen for you just so we can keep the business rolling.

Not Your Ordinary Campaign…

And I’m not your ordinary car dealer. What I realize that other dealers don’t is that you don’t need to be lured in with fake prices that inflate the moment you show up at the dealership.

What you need is help with your past credit problems and for someone to pay off your current car so you can pick out something better today. 

Here at Frank Myers Auto Maxx we guarantee a unique car buying experience that you’ll tell your friends about.

Our customers consider us a trusted advisor and a reliable source of support, service, information and guidance. And once you do business with us you’ll forget the other guys even exist. My goal is to become your car dealer for life.

I’m Campaigning For You To Get…

A Nicer, Newer Car!!

I understand that good things happen to bad people. And I also know that sometimes you wind up with a loan on a bad car. Other times you may just get bored with what you’re driving.

I’m on a mission this month to sell 173 cars…and that means that I’ll go above and beyond to make it happen for you. My goal this month is 100% approval.

My name is Tracy Myers…and I’ll approve your credit!

Please come give us a chance to help you and earn your business. Even if you weren’t planning to get a nicer, newer car right now, I would like a chance to show you how it could just be the best time ever to upgrade.

To schedule a VIP test drive or to just browse my killer inventory of cars with one of my Non-Commissioned Sales Pros and Credit Miracle Workers visit

I’m looking forward to helping you own a nicer, newer car.


Tracy E. Myers, CMD