History Of Uncle Frank/Part 1 – Uncle Frank The Pioneer


Uncle Frank The Pioneer

Here we see Uncle Frank Myers in 1854, shortly after he led the William Stolley family across the Great Plains to settle in the Nebraska Territory.  It was Frank who suggested the group set up their homestead at Grand Island and name it “Fort Independence,” after his first idea, “Independence Auto Maxx” was rejected.

Not only that, but his original plan to use the piece of land as the home of “Fort Independence Used Covered Wagons — Where Everybody Rides!” was also outvoted by the majority of the settlers.  Sadly, Uncle Frank went on his way, leaving Fort Independence and the Nebraska Territory without a reliable source of quality vehicles for many decades to come.

About Uncle Frank

Uncle Frank has lived many lives and has many stories to share. He currently resides in Winston Salem, NC where he spends his days as the Frank Myers Auto Maxx Mascot.


* Uncle Frank Sez: “All content in The History Of Uncle Frank is a mixture of parody, poor satire, and/or (very) lame humor. It is for entertainment purposes only.”